Adam Gulamhusein
2 min readJun 11, 2022


Laura, here he says: “I’m happy that this land was conquered. It is an immeasurably better place now than it would have been had Europeans never showed up. I’m proud of our history and grateful. I will never apologize for it. I will celebrate our heroes and laugh in your face when your cry about it.”

While this is certainly not the best way to go about articulating your thoughts, I agree with the main message. I am grateful that Europeans colonized North America because without that, you and I would not be here. The societies that we live in and rely on would not be here.

Indigenous peoples of North America conquered each other, went to war with each other, and killed each other. Europeans came and did the same thing to them that they’d already been doing to one another. This isn’t to excuse some of the behaviour (atrocities were still committed) but without that colonization the entire world would be completely different. It’s important to keep both of these facts in mind.

For example, residential schools in Canada committed many atrocities against indigenous peoples. Something the Canadian people are trying to make up for. However, the quality of life that Canada offers it’s citizens is much greater than what Indigenous peoples could have offered their own people. Let alone anyone else.

Matt is not arguing for the extermination of Indigenous people nor is he arguing the continued assault against them. He is merely saying he is proud of where he is from and grateful he can now live in a country as great as the US.



Adam Gulamhusein

TEDx Speaker | HYRS Alum (Neurosurgical RA) | TKS Student | SHAD Alum | 2021 Calgary Brain Bee Winner